EWINGS helps FORTUNE 500 companies put human capital strategies to work across the enterprise. One of these leaders, a $70 billion company in the B2C space, has been our partner since 2002.

Historically this client would complete projects by using current staff, hiring new employees or engaging a specialized professional services firm. But as the competencies they needed began to change rapidly, committing to full-time hires became risky. What’s more, a lack of opportunities for employees to gain experience beyond the company or specific departments was stalling innovation.

Increasingly, the company went beyond their walls for the spark they needed, relying overwhelmingly on professional services firms working on fixed-bid contracts. This arrangement, if not properly managed, becomes costly and fraught with risks for breakage. The client was ready for a more streamlined, fiscally responsible approach. Our platform helped them infuse the right talent into the organization while providing intentional opportunities to bring people in and out of the organization throughout the lifecycle of their career.

The company’s goal: use their own full-time (and occasionally contract) Project Managers and build temporary teams that could assemble quickly and disband when the project was done. This on-and-off arrangement allowed workers to gain experience elsewhere in the industry, which they could share with the client when assigned at the company later.

To launch this new “project staffing” paradigm, the company selected EWINGS. With our discipline-agnostic platform, we could deliver the expansive roster of skill sets they needed: branding, business analysis, creative, distribution, e-commerce and many more. We gave the client incredible flexibility, from taking a prominent role in managing the project to providing teams under a variety of limited-term, right-to-hire or permanent placement arrangements.

The EWINGS Human Capital Platform proactively recruits professionals for all the skill sets the client may require now and in the future, offering speed, innovation and strategic agility that’s invaluable in a highly competitive industry.


Accounting, Advertising, Assets Protection, Branding, Buying, Channel Planning, Community, Construction, Creative, Credit, Customs, Design, Digital, Distribution, e-Commerce, Events, Fabric, Facilities, Fashion, Finance, Food, In-Store Marketing, Incentives, Information Technology, Interactive, Inventory, Logistics, Loss Prevention, Loyalty, Media, Merchandising, Mobile, Packaging, Pharmacy, Pricing, Print, Promotions, Public Relations, Quality, Regulatory, Retail, Rewards, Safety, SEO, Social, Sourcing, Supply Chain, Sustainability